Roof pitches examples

How Roof Pitch Affects Your Texas Home

How often do you think about your roof? Not usually, right? What about the pitch of your roof? You probably think about that even less. After all, that’s a job for your roofing contractor. Besides an annual roof inspection, gutter cleaning, and regular maintenance, you shouldn’t have to think about your roof 24/7. However, understanding how your roofing system works and what role it plays can be critical to keeping your home in working order.

What is Roof Pitch?

In layman’s terms, roof pitch is the angle or slope of your roof. It’s typically a ratio in the roofing industry, such as 2:12, which means the roof rises by 2 inches for every 12 inches of coverage. Overall, this is a low pitch.

Why is Roof Pitch Important?

The pitch of the roof makes a big difference in the lifespan of your roofing system and in how well it protects your home. Then, of course, there’s the appearance of your roof to consider, too.

Roof pitch affects the amount of material needed and the type of roofing materials that can be used. Pitch also impacts how well your roof dispatches water and handles debris.

What to Consider with Roof Pitch

  • Water – Your biggest roofing concern in Texas is likely water or storm damage. Your roof pitch should be able to whisk water away from the center and down into your lawn to be absorbed.
  • Debris – Over time, you’ll wind up with all manner of waste on your roof, from leaves to branches and beyond. With a high-pitch roof, these chunks of debris fall right off or are blown away. A less-steep roof will tend to collect debris.
  • Materials – Some materials are not usable with certain roof pitches. For example, slate or copper will not work with a high-pitch roof. On the other hand, some types of roofing shingles won’t work at lower pitches.

For everything roofing in DFW, contact Paradigm Roofing. We’ll help you find the perfect roofing system, pitch and all, for your home here in Texas. Call 972-542-7774!

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